
Exitium is a hybrid god-like being that claims to have destroyed jfmnq gaoqltrceibq in the past " I deStroyed jfmnq gaoqltrceibq a millennium or two ago."

Not much is known about them but it's believed Exitium May hold knowledge about the stars above. Exitium is also associated with 3 other beings believed to also be god-like. They are believed to be the clandestials.


Flores, another one of the 4 beings. Has the ability to resurrect dead animals and plants.
Seems to have an affInity for nature, and life. Much is not known about them.


Wears a blindfold with an eye crossed out. Also wears a cloak. Seems to have a zeal for knowledge. Not much else Is known.


Shortest one of the 4. Barely anything is known.
Possible Location: Varhius-2

"You do not understand, I NEED him."
"Why do you want him?"
"I've known about him for a long time. He has history."
"What kind?"
"How will you make me do that?"
"Who said you were gonna do it?"